
报告题目1:Dynamics of Cross-shelf exchanges in the Northern South China Sea 

报告题目2:Kinetic Energy Pathway of the Layered Circulation in South China Sea 
报告摘要:We investigated the mean kinetic energy (MKE) and eddy kinetic energy (EKE) in the South China Sea to illustrate the dynamics of the vertically rotating layered circulation in the upper, middle, and deep layers. We found that strong MKE along the basin slope and the associated EKE arising from the vertical shear and stratification of the mean current characterize the circulation. In the upper layer, the external MKE input from the Kuroshio intrusion and wind forcing drive the cyclonic circulation, with the wind forcing providing most of the EKE. External forcing, however, does not directly provide the MKE and EKE of the CAC circulation in the semi-enclosed middle and deep layers, where the internal pressure work near Luzon Strait and the vertical buoyancy flux (VBF) in the southern basin and along the western slope maintain the MKE and EKE. The internal pressure work is formed by ageostrophic motion and pressure gradient field associated with circulation. The VBF is generated by vertical motion induced by the geostrophic cross-isobath transport along the slope where variable density field is maintained by the external flow and the internal mixing. The kinetic energy pathway in the CAC circulation indicates that the external forcing dominates upper layer circulation and the coupling between internal and external dynamics is crucial for maintaining the circulation in the middle and deep layers. This study provides a new interpretation to the maintenance of CAC circulation from energy prospect. 
线上腾讯会议ID:134 866 339  腾讯会议链接:

