
Dr.Yukun Qian

  • Direction:热带海洋-大气过程与气候效应
  • Administrative post:
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  • Mentor:
  • Office phone:020-89023577
  • Email address:qianyukun@scsio.ac.cn
  • Postal address:广州市海珠区新港西路164号
Research direction


individual resume


Education experience

Work experience


Recent representative papers (recent three years)

 1.Qian, Y.-K., C.-X. Liang, S. Peng, S. Chen, and S. Wang, 2016: A horizontal index for the influence of upper-level environmental flow on tropical cyclone intensity. Wea. Forecasting, 31, 237-253.
2.Qian, Y.-K., C.-X. Liang, Z. Yuan, S. Peng, J. Wu, and S. Wang, 2016: Upper-tropospheric environment–tropical cyclone interactions over the western North Pacific: A statistical study. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 33, 614-631.
3.Chen, S., Y.-K. Qian, and S. Peng, 2015: Effects of various combinations of boundary layer schemes and microphysics schemes on the track forecasts of tropical cyclones over the South China Sea. Nat. Hazards, 78, 61-74.
4.Peng, S., Y.-K. Qian, R. Lumpkin, Y. Du, D. Wang, and P. Li, 2015: Characteristics of the near-surface currents in the Indian Ocean as deduced from satellite-tracked surface drifters. Part I: Pseudo-Eulerian statistics. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 45, 441-458.
5.Peng, S., Y.-K. Qian, R. Lumpkin, P. Li, D. Wang, and Y. Du, 2015: Characteristics of the near-surface currents in the Indian Ocean as deduced from satellite-tracked surface drifters. Part II: Lagrangian statistics. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 45, 459-477.
6.Qian, Y.-K., S. Peng, C.-X. Liang, and R. Lumpkin, 2014: On the estimation of Lagrangian diffusivity: Influence of nonstationary mean flow. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 44, 2796-2811.
7.Peng, S., Y.-K. Qian, Z. Lai, S. Hao, S. Chen, H. Xu, D. Wang, X. Xu, J. C. L. Chan, H. Zhou, 2014: On the mechanisms of the recurvature of super Typhoon Megi. Scientific. Report., 4, 1-8.
8.Qian, Y.-K., S. Peng, and Y. Li, 2013: Eulerian and Lagrangian statistics in the South China Sea as deduced from surface drifters. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 43, 726-743.
9.Yuan, Z., Y.-K. Qian, J. Qi, and J. Wu, 2012: The potential impacts of warmer-continent-related lower-layer equatorial westerly wind on tropical cyclone initiation. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 29, 333-343.
10.Qian, Y.-K., C.-X. Liang, Q. Liang, L. Lin, and Z. Yuan, 2011: On the forced tangentially-averaged radial-vertical circulation within vortices. Part II: The transformation of Tropical Storm Haima (2004). Adv. Atmos. Sci., 28, 1143-1158.



