
Dr.Xing Wei

  • Direction:热带海洋动力过程的环境效应
  • Administrative post:
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  • Office phone:
  • Email address:wes@scsio.ac.cn
  • Postal address:广州市海珠区新港西路164号
Research direction


individual resume


Education experience

2007-2010 就读于中山大学,获博士学位,专业:环境科学 2005-2007 就读于中山大学,获硕士学位,专业:物理海洋学 2001-2005 就读于中山大学,获学士学位,专业:理论与应用力学

Work experience


Recent representative papers (recent three years)

 Wei Xing, Wu Chaoyu, Ni Peitong, Mo Wenyuan, 2016. Holocene delta evolution and sediment flux of the Pearl River, southern China. Journal of Quaternary Science, 31: 484-494.

Wei Xing, Wu Chaoyu, 2014. Long-term process-based morphodynamic modeling of the Pearl River Delta. Ocean Dynamics, 64: 1753–1765.

Wei Xing, Ni Peitong, Zhan Haigang, 2013. Monitoring cooling water discharge using Lagrangian coherent structures: A case study in Daya Bay, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 75: 105-113.

Wei Xing, Liao Xiaomei, Zhan Haigang, Liu Hailong, 2012. Estimates of potential new production in the Java-Sumatra upwelling system. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 30: 1063-1067.

Wei Xing,Wu Xiaoxin, 2011. Dynamic structures and their sedimentation effects of the Yamen Inlet, Huangmaohai Estuary. Science China Earth Sciences, 54: 936-946.

Wei Xing,Wu Chaoyu, 2011. Holocene delta evolution and sequence stratigraphy of the Pearl River Delta in South China. Science China Earth Sciences, 54: 1523-1541.



