
Dr.Yuhong Zhang

  • Direction:热带海洋-大气过程与气候效应
  • Administrative post:
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  • Mentor:
  • Office phone:84458440
  • Email address:
  • Postal address:广州市海珠区新港西路164号
Research direction


individual resume


Education experience


Work experience


Recent representative papers (recent three years)

 Zhang Y., Y. Du, and M. Feng, 2018: Multi-time scale variability of the sea surface salinity dipole mode in the tropical Indian Ocean. J. Climate, 31, 283-296

Zhang Y., Y. Du, and T. Qu, 2016: A sea surface salinity dipole mode in the tropical Indian Ocean. Climate Dynamics, 47(7), 2573-2585

Zhang, Y., Y. Du, S. Zheng, Y. Yang, and X. Cheng, 2013: Impact of Indian Ocean Dipole on the salinity budget in the equatorial Indian Ocean. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 118(10), 4911-4923

Zhang, Y. and Y. Du, 2012: Seasonal variability of salinity budget and water exchange in the northern Indian Ocean from HYCOM assimilation*. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnolog , 30(6), 97-107

张玉红,杜岩,徐海明, 2012: 赤道印度洋中部断面东西水交换的季节变化及其区域差异. 海洋学报, 2012, 34(2), 30-38.




