
Dr.Dingtian Yang

  • Direction:热带海洋动力过程的环境效应
  • Administrative post:
  • Specialty:
  • Mentor:博士导师、硕士导师
  • Office phone:020-89022958
  • Email address:dtyang@scsio.ac.cn
  • Postal address:广州市海珠区新港西路164号
Research direction


individual resume

  1969年生,博士后,研究员,主要研究海洋光学浅水水体生物光学、水色遥感模式和海洋光学检测技术,主持的科研项目有:气候变化情景下海岸带生态系统过程的响应及格局演变(“973”,2010CB951203);光学浅水中海草底质反射率的卫星遥感检测技术(“863”)(20060109Z1025),国家自然科学基金(40576078,40876092),广东省自然科学基金(5003685),中国博士后基金,中国科学院南海海洋研究所的博士启动基金,上海市博士后基金,浙江省博士后基金等课题;主要参加了基于卫星遥感和现场观测的南海北部孤立子内波的数值预报技术(“863”)( 2008AA09Z112);关键海域中尺度物理海洋过程的预报模式及关键技术研究(中国科学院重大项目,KZCX1-YW-12-01);中国海岸带卫星遥感调查(“908”)以及国家自然科学基金等课题的研究。目前发表论文60多篇,其中SCI和EI收录文章20多篇。

Education experience

 1. Yang Dingtian, Yang Chaoyu. Detection of  Seagrass Distribution Changes from 1991 to 2006 in Xincun Bay, Hainan, with Satellite Remote Sensing. Sensors. 2009; 9(2):830-844 (SCI,1.87 )
2. Yang Dingtian, Pan Delu. Hyperspectral retrieval model of phycocyanin in Case II water. Chinese Science Bulletin,

2006,11(supl.): 125-128 (SCI,0.77)

3. Yang Dingtian, Pan Delu, Zhang Xiaoyu, etc. Retrieval of chlorophyll a and suspended solids by hyperspectral remote
sensing in TaiHu Lake, China. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2006,24(4):428-434

4.  Huang Daojian. Impacts of Typhoon Tianying and Dawei on Seagrass Distribution in Xincun Bay,China.Acta Oceania sinica.( SCI,0.6)

5. Yang Dingtian, Pan Delu. Detection of seagrass in optical shallow water with Quickbird in the Xincun Bay, 
Hainan province, China. IET Image processing (SCI,0.75).  

6  Yang Chaoyu Yang Dingtian, Optical properties of the Seagrass using a water column correction Model.
International Journal of Remote Sensing,( SCI,1.001)

7. Yang Dingtian. Variation of seagrass distribution in Sanya Bay impacted by land use change.Proceedings of the SPIE, 
Volume 7145, pp. 714529-714529-8 (2008).(EI)

8. Yang Dingtian, Pan Delu, et al. Retrieval of water quality parameters by hyperspectral remote sensing in lake TaiHu,
China. Proceeding of SPIE, ICOT, 2005,431-439 [EI]

9. Yang Dingtian, Pan Delu, et al. Detection of algal bloom with MODIS in lake TaiHu,China. Proceeding of SPIE (Brugge), 2005,5977:178-185 [EI]

Work experience

Recent representative papers (recent three years)


