
Dr.Wendong Fang

  • Direction:南海环流与中小尺度动力过程
  • Administrative post:
  • Specialty:物理海洋学
  • Mentor:博士导师 硕士导师
  • Office phone:020-89023010
  • Email address:wdfang@scsio.ac.cn
  • Postal address:广州市海珠区新港西路164号
Research direction


individual resume

  1)利用多航次现场观测资料,较系统地研究南海南部上层海洋环流的季节性结构,观测到南海南部冬、夏反向的次海盆尺度流涡、南海西部夏季的东向离岸流。部分成果发表在Journal ofGeophysical Research,Journal of MarineSystems等刊物上. 2)率先开展南海北部突发性强流、孤立内波的观测分析研究,促进了南海东北部孤立内波、内潮的研究,为海上石油作业生产提供海洋动力环境信息服务;内潮研究部分成果发表在Journal ofGeophysical Research, Estuarine,Coastal and Shelf Science等刊物上. 3)分析南海西部夏季环流的基本结构,揭示南海西部中尺度环流的结构与变化特征,发现南海西部夏季环流结构的年际变异信号与ENSO具有强的关联性。部分成果发表在Geophysical Research Letter等刊物上。

Education experience

            1.王霞, 方文东,陈荣裕(2018):南海北部海面高度的季节内变异及其传播特征.热带海洋学报 (in press).

2. Wang X., W. Fang, R. Chen, et al.(2017): Thesummer-fall anticyclonic eddy west of Luzon: Structure and evolution in 2012and interannual variability. Journal ofMarine Systems. 172, 84-92.

3. Qiu F., W. Fang, A. Pan, et al.(2016): Interannual to decadal variation of spring sea level anomaly inthe western South China Sea. Chin. J.Ocean. Limnol. doi:10.1007/s00343-016-5203-1.

4. Xiang R., W. Fang, S. Zhou (2016): Theanticyclonic circulation in the southern South China Sea: Observed structure,seasonal development and interannual variability. Journal of Marine Systems. 154, 131-145.

5. 向荣, 方文东,鲁远征,黄孝荣,周生启 (2015): 2014年9月南海西部冷涡及东向急流三维结构观测. 热带海洋学报,34 (6): 1-10.

6. 丘福文, 方文东, 朱大勇, 查晶 (2015): 2005-2010年南海海平面异常升高的特征与机制.热带海洋学报,34 (5): 11-18.

7. Fang W., P. Guo, C. Liu, G. Fang, S.Li (2015): Observed sub-inertial current variability and volume transport overthe continental shelf in the northern South China Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 157, 19-31.

8. Fang, W., F. Qiu and P. Guo (2014):Summer circulation variability in the South China Sea during2006–2010. Journal of MarineSystems 137,47-54.

9.Guo, P., W.Fang, C. Liu, and F. Qiu (2012): Seasonal characteristics of internal tideson the continental shelf in the northern South China Sea.J.Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2011JC007215.

10. Qiu, F., W. Fang, Y. Fang, and P. Guo (2012): Anomalous oceaniccharacteristics in the South China Sea associated with the large-scale forcingduring 2006–2009, J. Mar. Syst.,doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2012.03.010.  

11.Cai, Y., Guo P., Fang W. (2012):Internal tides in the northern South China Sea From 20-day insitu mooringobservations in 1998, Marine ScienceBulletin, 14(2),12-23.

12.Fang G., Wang G., Fang Y., Fang W.(2012): A review on the South China Seawestern boundary current. Acta Oceanol. Sin., 31(5), 1-10,  DOI: 10.1007/s13131-012-0231-y.

13. Qiu Fuwen, Fang Wendong, Fang Guohong (2011):Seasonal-to-interannual variability of chlorophyll in the Central Western SouthChina Sea extracted from SeaWiFS. ChineseJournal of Oceanology and Liminology291,18-25.

14.丘福文,方文东,郭朴(2011), 2000—2008年期间南海海面温度的年际与空间变异海洋学报, 333):11-18.

15. 丘福文,方文东,南海海面高度年际变化的S-EOF分析.热带海洋学报,201029(4)8?13.

16. Qiu Fuwen, FangWendong (2010): interannualvariability and spatial pattern of the sea surface temperature in the SouthChina Sea during 2000-2008.POSEC国际会议poster

17XieX., G. Chen, X. Shang, and W. Fang(2008): Evolution of the semidiurnal (M2) internal tide on the continentalslope of the northern South China Sea.Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L13604, doi:10.1029/2008GL034179.

18. 陈荣裕,方文东,黄企洲(2007)三亚湾水文物理环境概述。见:《三亚湾海洋生物资源与生态环境》,北京,科学出版社,pp266.

19. Fang, W., J. Guo, P. Shi, and Q. Mao (2006), Low frequencyvariability of South China Sea surface circulation from 11 years of satellitealtimeter data, Geophys. Res. Lett.,33, L22612, doi:10.1029/2006GL027431.

20. Guo P., Fang W., Gan Z.ChenR.(2006): Internal tide characteristics over northern South China Seacontinental slope. Chinese ScienceBulletin 51(Supp. II)17-25. 通讯作者

21. 郭朴方文东甘子钧陈荣裕南海北部大陆坡区的内潮特征科学通报200651(Supp.II)15-22.

22. 郭朴方文东于红兵(2006): 近海陆架区内潮观测研究进展地球科学进展216):617-624.

23. 郭俊建,方文东,方国洪,陈海英.基于11年卫星高度计资料的南海表层环流时空变化,科学通报,2006,51(Supp. II)1-8.

24. Guo J., Fang W., Fang G., Chen H.(2006):  Variability of surface circulation in theSouth China Sea from satellite altimeter data. Chinese Science Bulletin51(Supp. II) 1-8.  (通讯作者)

25.. Fang W., Shi P., Long X.,Mao Q.(2005) :Internal solitons in the northern South China Sea from insitu observations. ChineseScience Bulletin,50(15)1627-1631.


27..Fang W, Shi P, Huang Q, Long X(2003)BasicFeatures of Vertical Structure of Upper Water Temperature and Salinity in theNorthern South China Sea around the Summer Monsoon Onset. Acta Meteorologica Sinica,17, Supplement, 262-272.

28.. Fang W, Fang G, Shi P, et al.(2002):Seasonal structures of upper-layer circulation in the southern South China Seafrom in-situ observations. Journal of Geophysical Research, C(11):2002JC001343.

29.. Fang W, Shi P, Huang Q, Long X (2002)BasicFeatures of Vertical Structure of Upper Water Temperature and Salinity in theNorthern South China Sea around the Summer Monsoon Onset. Acta Meteorologica Sinica,17, Supplement, 262-272

30. 方国洪,魏泽勋,黄企洲,方文东(2002)南海南部与外海间的体积和热、盐输运及其对印尼贯穿流的贡献,海洋与湖沼,333):296-302.


32.黄企洲,方文东陈荣裕(2001): 南沙群岛海区西南季风变化与表层流结构和演变关系的探讨,热带海洋,20(1), 18-26.

33.Fang W, Shi P, Mao Q, Gan Z. (2000): Upper-oceanvariations of the northern South China Sea from mooring station observations. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 194),25-35.

34. 方文东(2000).南海南部海洋环流的结构与季节变化.中国科学院博士学位研究生论文,  pp112.

35. 方文东,施平,毛庆文,甘子钧(2000):南海北部上层海洋变化的定点观测分析,海洋学报,225),23-30.

36. 方文东,陈荣裕,毛庆文 (2000): 南海北部内波引起的突变性海流,热带海洋,19(1): 70-74.



39. 郭忠信,方文东,陈福培等(2000): 南沙海域环流及其主要海流,南海海洋科学集刊,第13集,1-25.

40. 邱章,方文东(2000):南海北部斜压海流的垂向变化,台湾海峡,194),405-412.

41. Gao R, Zhou F, FangW. 2000):SSTintraseasonal oscillation and atmospheric forcing system of the South ChinaSea, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and limnology, 2000,18(4), 289-296.

42.邱章,方文东(1999): 南海北部春季海流的垂向变化,热带海洋18(4):32-38

43. 方文东(1998)南海南部海区夏季的环流结构,南海海洋科学集刊,第12,217-213.

44. Fang W, Guo Z, Huang Y (1998):Observational study of the circulation in the southern South China Sea, ChineseScience Bulletin, 43(11): 898-905.

45. 方文东(1998),两个显著性检验方法在海洋大数据量主成分分析中的应用,热带海洋,34:90-94.



48FangG. Fang W. et al. (1998):Circulation, internal tide and soliton in South China Sea, Collected papers of the Sino-US Marine Science & TechnologyCollaboration Workshop, August, Qingdao.

49. Fang G, Fang W, Fang Y etal. (1998):  A survey of studies on theSouth China Sea upper circulationActaOceanographica Taiwanica, 37 (1): 1-16.



52. Fang W and Hsieh W,(1993):Summer sea surface temperature variability off Vancouver Island from satellitedata, J. Geophys. Res., 1993, 98(C8): 14391-14400.

53. Fang Wendong (1993): Summer SSTvariability off Vancouver Island from Satellite data, 1984-91, Master'sthesis, pp78, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

54. 郭忠信,方文东.(1988):19859月的吕宋海峡黑潮及其输送,.热带海洋,1988(2).



1.        方文东(2002): 关于科研团队组建的一些认识,科技管理研究,224):42-43.

2.        方文东(2004): 对研究所创新文化的一些认识科技管理研究,243):49-50.

3.        中国科学院南海海洋研究所(2005):国内首创的海洋观测开放平台------南海北部开放航次.

4.        方文东,李丽璇,蔡艳雅(2007):提高科研产出影响力的一些思考,科学新闻杂志.

5.        方文东(2008):提高国家创新能力推动经济社会发展——对加拿大科技创新管理的几点认识科学新闻杂志.

6.        方文东(2011): 澳大利亚公共服务的一些特征及启示中国科学院赴澳大利亚综合管理高级培训班论文集.

Work experience

1986—2000: 中科院南海海洋研究所,历任研实员、助理研究员、副研究员 2000— 中科院南海海洋研究所, 研究员

Recent representative papers (recent three years)

1982-1986 山东海洋学院 (现名中国海洋大学)海洋系 物理海洋学 (学士) 1992-1993 加拿大 不列颠哥伦比亚大学海洋系 海洋学 (硕士) 1996-2000 中国科学院海洋研究所 物理海洋学 (博士) 1991.03—1994.01:加拿大The University of British Columbia海洋系访问科学家 1993.09—1993.12:TheUniversity of British Columbia《海洋学导论》课程教学助手 1995.10—1995.11:澳大利亚James Cook University of North Queensland 访问科学家


