
Dr.Guiying Chen

  • Direction:南海环流与中小尺度动力过程
  • Administrative post:
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  • Mentor:
  • Office phone:020-89026979
  • Email address:gychen@scsio.ac.cn
  • Postal address:广州市海珠区新港西路164号
Research direction


individual resume

陈桂英,1963年3月生,女,博士生导师。《现代物理》、《应用物理》编委。1999年天津大学流体力学湍流专业获硕士学位,2005年南开大学凝聚态物理专业获博士学位,其间1991.10-1992.10为英国诺丁汉大学访问学者。主要研究工作为台风对中尺度涡的能量和初级生产力的影响,海洋湍流混合观测及其参数化方案的建立,内波演变机制的研究。主持和参与的科研项目包括国家自然科学基金、“863”、中国科学院知识创新工程项目等10余项,在《Optics letters》、《Geophysical Research Letters》、《Journal of applied physics》等多种刊物上共发表学术论文50篇,其中SCI收录34篇,一篇被美国物理学会选为亮点文章,两篇论文被选为领域前10,论文被SCI引用200余次,H-index 7。拥有发明、实用新型专利各一项。

Education experience

Work experience


Recent representative papers (recent three years)

 1.Guiying Chen, Yizhe yuan, Xu Tang, Chunping Zhang and Q.W. Song, “All-optical time delay relay based on bacteriorhodopsin” Optics letters, Vol.31(10), 1531-1533, 2006 .
2. Guiying Chen, Cunping Zhang , Zongxia Guo, Jingguo Tian,Q W Song, “Time Dependent All-optical Logic-gates based on two coupled waves in bacteriorhodopsin” Journal of Applied Physics Vol.98, 044504, 2005 (SCI)
3.Xiao-Hui Xie, Gui-Ying Chen, Xiao-Dong Shang, and Wen-Dong Fang, Evolution of the semidiurnal (M2) internal tide on the continental slope of the northern South China Sea, Geophysical Research Letters, 2008.,VOL. 35, L13604, doi:10.1029/2008GL034179. 
4. Xiao-Hui Xie, Xiao-Dong Shang, Gui-Ying Chen, Lu Sun, Variations of diurnal and inertial spectral peaks near the bi-diurnal critical latitude, Geophysical Research Letters, 2009,doi:10.1029/2008GL036383.
5. Xiao-Hui Xie, Xiao-Dong Shang, Hans van Hare2, Gui-Ying Chen, Yuan-Zhi Zhang,Observations of parametric subharmonic instability-induced near-inertial waves equatorward of the critical diurnal latitude,Geophysical Research Letters, VOL. 38, L05603, 7 PP., 2011doi:10.1029/2010GL046521
6. Zhang chun ping, Guiying Chen, wang xing yu, Zhang Guangyin,Q.Wang Song, “Optical novelty filter using bacteriorhodopsin film” Optics Letters Vol.30, 81-83, 2005.



