
Dr.Qingwen Mao

  • Direction:南海环流与中小尺度动力过程
  • Administrative post:
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  • Office phone:
  • Email address:qwmao@scsio.ac.cn
  • Postal address:广州市海珠区新港西路164号
Research direction


individual resume


Education experience

1988年9月—1992年7月:青岛海洋大学海洋系天气动力学专业,获学士学位; 2000年9月—2005年12月:中国科学院南海海洋研究所在职博士研究生,获博士学位; 1992年7月—现在: 中国科学院南海海洋研究所; 2002年7月:香港科技大学合作访问。

Work experience


Recent representative papers (recent three years)

 1.Qingwen Mao, Ping Shi, Kedong Yin, Jianping Gan, Yiquan Qi. “Tides and Tidal Currents in Pearl Estuaryn.”《Continental Shelf Research》,2004, V24,16, 1797-1808 (SCI)。
2.FANG Wendong, SHI Ping, LONG Xiaomin, MAO Qingwen. Internal solitons in the northern South China Sea from insitu observations, 《Chinese Science Bulletin》, 2005 Vol. 50 No. 15 1627—1631.(SCI)
3.Wendong Fang, Junjian Guo, Ping Shi, and Qingwen Mao. Low frequency variability of South China Sea surface circulation from 11 years of satellite altimeter data, 《GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS》, 2006, VOL.33, L22612, doi: 10.1029/ 2006GL027431, (SCI).
4.MAO Qingwen, QI Yiquan, SHI Ping, ZHAN Haigang & GAN Zijun. Is there any amphidromic point of S2 constituent around the Natuna Islands in the southern South China Sea? 《Chinese Science Bulletin》, 2006 Vol. 51 Supp. II 26—30(SCI).
5.Jingquan Tong, Zijun Gan, Yiquan Yi, Qingwen Mao. Predicted positions of tidal fronts in continental shelf of South China Sea. 《Journal of Marine Systems》,2010, VOL.82, Issure 3, 145-153. 
6.Yi Yin, Yiquan Qi, Qingwen Mao, Jingquan Tong, Hongbin Yu. Numerical simulation of tidal current in Zhanjiang harbor using SM/RMA2 model. 《Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference》,2010, VOL 1, 228-232.



