
Dr.Ping Shi

  • Direction:热带海洋动力过程的环境效应
  • Administrative post:
  • Specialty:物理海洋学
  • Mentor:博士导师 硕士导师
  • Office phone:020-89024735
  • Email address:pshi@scsio.ac.cn
  • Postal address:广州市海珠区新港西路164号
Research direction


individual resume


Education experience

1978年2月-1982年1月:山东海洋学院(现中国海洋大学)物理海洋专业学生,获理学学士学位; 1982年10月-1988年1月:英国南安普敦大学海洋系研究生,获理学博士学位

Work experience

1988年4月-1991年1月:青岛海洋大学博士后、副教授; 1991年1月-1994年7月:中科院南海海洋研究所副研究员; 1994年8月-目前:中科院南海海洋研究所研究员; 1996年9月-2000年10月:中科院南海海洋研究所所长助理、副所长; 2000年11月-2006年12月:中科院南海海洋研究所所长; 2006年6月-2009年11月:中科院烟台海岸带研究所筹建组长; 2009年12月-2011年11月:中科院烟台海岸带研究所所长。

Recent representative papers (recent three years)

1.Ma, W., Q. Xing, C. Chen, Y. Zhang, D. Yu, P. Shi, 2011. Using the normalized peak area of remote sensing reflectance in the near-infrared region to estimate total suspended matter. Int. J. Remote Sensing, DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2010.524673.
2.Yu, L., X. Hou, M. Gao, P. Shi, 2011. Assessment of coastal zone sustainable development-A case study of Yantai, China. Ecological Indicators, 10(6): 1218-1225.
3.Zeng, L., Wang, D., Du, Y., Shi, P., 2010. Mesoscale structure of the central South China Sea detected by SCSMEX Buoy and Argo float. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 28 (5), 1102-1111.
4.Qi, Y., Zhang, Z., Shi, P., 2010. Extreme Wind, Wave and Current in Deep Water of South China Sea. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering 20 (1), 18-23.
5.Liu, D., Keesing, J.K., Dong, Z., Zhen, Y., Di, B., Shi, Y., Fearns, P., Shi, P., 2010. Recurrence of the world's largest green-tide in 2009 in Yellow Sea, China: Porphyra yezoensis aquaculture rafts confirmed as nursery for macroalgal blooms. Marine Pollution Bulletin 60 (9), 1423-1432.
6.Chen, F., Du, Y., Yan, L., Wang, D.X., Shi, P., 2010. Response of upper ocean currents to typhoons at two ADCP moorings west of the Luzon Strait. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 28 (5), 1002-1011.
7.Zeng, L.L., Shi, P., Liu, W.T., Wang, D.X., 2009. Evaluation of a satellite-derived latent heat flux product in the South China Sea: A comparison with moored buoy data and various products. Atmospheric Research 94 (1), 91-105.
8.Liu, D., Keesing, J.K., Xing, Q., Shi, P., 2009. World's largest macroalgal bloom caused by expansion of seaweed aquaculture in China. Marine Pollution Bulletin 58 (6), 888-895.
9.Han, Q., X. Huang, P. Shi, J. Zhang, 2008. Seagrass bed ecosystem service value - a case research on Hepu seagrass bed in Guangxi Province. Marine Science Bulletin, 10(1): 87-96.  
10.  Chen, J., Wang, D.X., Shi P., Du, Y. 2007. A survey of baroclinic tides in the Beibu Gulf in the South China Sea. Acta Oceanologica Sinica 26 (4), 7-19.




