徐杰,1977年生,博士,研究员,博士生导师;2007年于香港科技大学获博士学位,师从加拿大皇家科学院院士Paul J Harrison教授;主要从事营养盐(N、P、Si)动力学及其相关生态过程研究,近5年来,在国际海洋学主流期刊上以第一/通讯作者发表论文11篇,参与编写英文著作2本, 应邀为香港本地著名报纸(《信报》2010,3月4日)撰稿阐述香港的富营养化问题;为Mar Ecol Prog Ser, J Geophys Res等7个国际海洋科学主流期刊担任审稿人;
2000年6月在浙江大学获学士学位,专业:环境规划与管理; 2004年6月在浙江大学获硕士学位,专业:环境科学; 2007年9月在香港科技大学获博士,专业:海洋环境科学;
3. Xu J, Jing H, Kong L, Sun M, Harrison PJ, Liu H (2013) Effect of seawater-sewage cross-transplants on bacterial metabolism and diversity. Microbial Ecology, 66: 60-72.
4. Xu J, Glibert PM, Liu HB, Yin K, Yuan X, Chen M, Harrison PJ (2012) Nitrogen sources and rates of phytoplankton uptake in different regions of Hong Kong waters in summer. Estuaries and Coasts, 35: 559-571
5. Xu J, Lee JHW, Yin K, Liu HB, Harrison PJ (2011) Environmental response to sewage treatment strategies: Hong Kong’s experience in long term water quality monitoring. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 62: 2275-2287.
6.Xu J, Yin K, Liu H, Lee JHW, Anderson DM, Ho AYT, Harrison PJ (2010) A comparison of eutrophication impacts in two harbors in Hong Kong with different hydrodynamics. Journal of Marine Systems, 83: 276-286.
7.Xu J, Ho AYT, Yin K, Anderson DM, JHW Lee, PJ Harrison (2009) Nutrient limitation in Hong Kong waters inferred from comparison of bioassays and nutrient ratios, turnover times.Marine Ecology Progress Series, 388: 81-97.
8.Xu J, Yin K, HeL, Yuan X, Ho AYT, Harrison PJ (2008) P Limitation in the northern South China Sea during the late summer. Deep-Sea Research I, 55: 1330-1342.