

  • 方  向:热带海洋动力过程的环境效应
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  • 学科专业:海洋环境科学
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  • 电子邮箱:scuici@scsio.ac.cn
  • 通讯地址:广州市海珠区新港西路164号



孙翠慈博士主要从事近海河口海湾环境研究,迄今主持国家自然科学基金(青年基金与面上基金),广东省自然科学基金面上项目、广东省科技计划项目等科研项目,作为骨干参加国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家科技支撑计划、广州市科技计划重点项目、SOPAN项目(Surface Ocean Processes in the Anthropocene,SOLAS 国际研究计划 )、国家908和广东省908专项等项目研究。相关研究成果在Journal of Geophysical Research和 Biogeosciences等国际著名期刊上发表。


1996-2000:学士, 生物学, 河北大学。
2000-2003:硕士, 水生生物学, 河北大学。
2003-2006:博士, 海洋生物学,中国科学院南海海洋研究所。




1.  Sun C-C, Yue W-Z, Wang Y-S*, He W-H, Hong Y-G, Sun F-L,Cheng H, Wu M-L, Jiang Z-Y,Jiao F and Wang Y-T, 2021: Distribution of Coomassie Blue Stainable Particles in the Pearl River Estuary, China, Insight Into the Nitrogen Cycling in Estuarine System. Front. Mar. Sci. 8:733240. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.733240.

2.  Wang Y-T, Wang Y-S*, Wu M-L, Sun C-C, Gu J-D, 2021: Assessing ecological health of mangrove ecosystems along South China Coast by the pressure–state–response (PSR) model, Ecotoxicology, 30, 622–631, https: //doi.org/10.1007/s10646-021-02399-1.

3.  Sun F-L, Wu M-L, Wang Y-S*, Sun C-C, Xu Z-T, 2020: Diversity and potential function of bacterial communities in different upwelling systems, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 1016/j.ecss.2020.106698

4.  Sun C-C, Martin SperlingAnja Engel*, 2018: Effect of wind speed on the size distribution of gel particles in the sea surface microlayer: Insights from a wind-wave channel experiment, Biogeoscience, 15(11), 3577-3589.

5.  Anja Engel, Martin Sperling, Sun C-C, 2018:  Organic Matter in the Surface Microlayer: Insights From a Wind Wave Channel Experiment, Frontiers in Marine Science, 5, 182. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00182.

6.  Yue W-Z; Sun C-C*; Shi P; Engel Anja; Wang Y-S; He W-H, 2018: Effect of temperature on the accumulation of marine biogenic gels in the surface microlayer near the outlet of nuclear power plants and adjacent areas in the Daya Bay, China, Plos One, 13(6), DOI,10.1371/journal.pone.0198735.

7.  Sun C-C, Wang Y-S*, Q. P. Li, et al., 2012: Distribution characteristics of transparent exopolymer particles in the Pearl River estuary, China, Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeoscience, 117, G00N17,doi:10.1029/2012JG001951.

8.  Sun C-C, Wang Y-S*, Mei-Lin Wu, et al, 2011 : Seasonal variation of water quality and  patterns of phytoplankton response in Daya Bay. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 8(7), 2951-2966.

9.  Sun C-Ci, Wang You-Shao, Sun Song, Zhang Feng-Qin, 2006: Dynamic analysis of phytoplankton community characteristics in Daya Bay, China. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 26(12), 3948-3958.

10.  Wang, You-Shao, Lou, Zhi-Ping, Sun, Cui-Ci, Sun, Song, 2008: Ecological environment changes in Daya Bay, China, from 1982 to 2004, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 56(11), 1871-1879.

11.  岳维忠, 孙翠慈*, 施平, 洪义国, 何伟宏, 王友绍, 2020: 珠江口自源有机颗粒物沉降对沉积物反硝化过程的影响, 生态科学, 39(4): 1–9.

12.  孙翠慈, 王友绍, 吴梅林, 李楠, 林立, 宋晖, 王玉图, 邓超, 彭亚兰, 孙富林,李超伦, 2010: 夏季珠江口透明胞外聚合颗粒物分布特征。热带海洋学报, 29(5): 81−87.



1. 孙翠慈,王友绍,杨志浩,一种红树林真菌的胞外多糖及其制备方法和用途,国家发明专利,授权专利号:2006100335012.3.
2. 王友绍,孙翠慈,杨志浩,一种红树林真菌次级代谢产物多糖及其制备方法和用途,国家发明专利,授权专利号:200610033360.7。


1. 红树林生态系统评价与修复技术,编委 ,科技出版社,2013。
