

  • 方  向:南海环流与中小尺度动力过程
  • 行政职务:
  • 学科专业:物理海洋学
  • 导  师:硕导
  • 办公电话:020-89024595
  • 电子邮箱:jxxu@scsio.ac.cn
  • 通讯地址:广州市海珠区新港西路164号




2009.9 – 2014.7 中国科学院大学南海海洋研究所 物理海洋学专业 博士
2005.9 – 2009.5 中山大学力学系 理论与应用力学专业 学士


2017.1至今 中国科学学院南海海洋研究所  副研究员
2015.11 – 2016.10 美国缅因大学 访问学者
2014.7-2016.12 中国科学学院南海海洋研究所  助理研究员


1.Xu, J.X., He, Y.H., Chen, Z.W., Zhan, H.G., Wu, Y.Q., Xie, J.S., Shang, X.D., Ning, D.Z., Fang, W.D., Cai, S.Q., 2020. Observations of different effects of an anti-cyclonic eddy on internal solitary waves in the South China Sea, Progress in Oceanography, 188, 102422.

2.Xu, J.X., Huang, Y.D., Chen, Z.W., Liu, J.L., Liu, T.Y., Li, J. Ning, D.Z., 2019. Horizontal variations of typhoon-forced near-inertial oscillations in the south China sea simulated by a numerical model, Continental Shelf Research, 2019. 180, 24-34.

3.Xu, J.X., Chen Z.W., Xie J.S., Cai S.Q., 2016, On generation and evolution of seaward propagating internal solitary waves in the northwestern South China Sea, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 32, 122-136.

4.Xu, J.X., Xie, J.S., Chen, Z.W., Cai, S.Q., Long, X.M., 2012. Enhanced mixing induced by internal solitary waves in the South China Sea. Continental Shelf Research, 49, 34-43. 

5.Xu, J.X., Xie, J.S., Cai, S.Q., 2011. Variation of Froude number versus depth during the passage of internal solitary waves from the in-situ observation and a numerical model. Continental Shelf Research, 31, 1318-1323. 

6.Li, J., Xu, J.X., Liu, J.L., He, Y.H., Chen, Z.W., Cai, S.Q., 2019. Correlation of near-inertial wind stress in typhoon and typhoon-induced oceanic near-inertial kinetic energy in the upper South China Sea, Atmosphere, 10 (7), 388 .

7.Liu, T.Y., Xu, J.X., He, Y.H., Lu, H.B., Yao, Y., Cai, S.Q., 2016. Numerical simulation of the Kuroshio intrusion into the South China Sea by a passive tracer. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 35(9), 1-12.

8.Cai, S., J. Xu, J.X., Liu J.L., Chen Z.W., Xie J.S., Li J., and He Y.H., 2015, Retrieval of the maximum horizontal current speed induced by ocean internal solitary waves from low resolution time series mooring data based on the KdV theory, Ocean Eng., 94(0), 88-93.

9.Cai S.Q., Xu J.X., Chen Z.W., Xie J.S., Deng X.D., Lv H.B., 2013. Effect of seasonal stratification variation on the load exerted by internal solitary waves on a cylindrical pile. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 33(7), 21-26.



