石睿博士,主要从事中尺度海气耦合过程与机理研究,在南海及日本濑户内海的局地海气相互作用机制及其对天气的影响方面取得了一系列原创性研究成果。在《Journal of Climate》,《Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres》,《Boundary-Layer Meteorology》, 《Deep Sea Research Part II》 等国际学术期刊发表论文20余篇。先后主持国家自然科学基金2项,并国家重点研发计划等科研课题多项。
1999-2003:学士, 大气科学, 中国海洋大学, 青岛, 中国。
2003-2006:硕士, 大气物理与大气环境, 中国海洋大学, 青岛, 中国。
2007-2010:博士, 海洋环境学, 爱媛大学(Ehime University), 松山市, 爱媛县, 日本。
1. Rui Shi, X., Guo, J., Chen, L., Zeng, B., Wu, D, Wang, 2022. Effects of spatial scale modification on the responses of surface wind stress to the thermal front in the northern South China Sea. Journal of Climate, 35(1), 179-194.
2. Rui Shi, Q., Cai, L., Dong, X., Guo, & D., Wang, D. 2019. Response of the diurnal cycle of summer rainfall to large scale circulation and coastal upwelling at Hainan, South China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124. 3702–3725.
3. Rui Shi, J. Chen, X. Guo, L. Zeng, J. Li, Q. Xie, X. Wang, and D. Wang, 2017. Ship observations and numerical simulation of the marine atmospheric boundary layer over the spring oceanic front in the northwestern South China Sea, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122, 3733–3753.
4. Rui Shi, Xinyu Guo, Dongxiao Wang, LiLi Zeng, Ju Chen, 2015. Seasonal variability in coastal fronts and its influence on sea surface wind in the northern South China Sea, Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 119, 30-39.
5. Rui Shi, Lili Zeng, Ju Chen, Lei Yang, Lingyu Dong, Yunkai He, Daning Li, Jinglong Yao, 2015. Observation and numerical simulation of the marine meteorology elements and air-sea fluxes at Yongxing Island in September 2013. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 18(4), 394-402.
1. 一种岛礁大气边界层底层结构和海气通量交换观测塔,2018年