董园博士,主要从事有机碳在海洋浮游生态系统中迁移转化的研究,在《Biogeosciences》、《JGR-Oceans》、《MEPS》、《Deep-Sea Research》等国际学术期刊发表SCI论文10多篇,其中第一作者5篇。
2004-2008:学士, 应用化学, 青岛科技大学, 青岛, 中国。
2008-2013:硕博, 海洋化学, 中国海洋大学, 青岛, 中国。
2011-2012:联合培养, 海洋生态学, 美国弗吉尼亚海洋科学研究所(Virginia Institute of Marine Science), 弗吉尼亚州, 美国。
2017-2017:访问学者, 厦门大学海洋与环境学院,厦门大学,中国。
1. Dong, Y., Li, Q., et al., 2021: Biophysical controls on seasonal changes in the structure, growth, and grazing of the size-fractionated phytoplankton community in the northern South China Sea, Biogeosciences, 18, 6423-6434.
2. Dong, Y., Li, Q., et al., 2018: Size-dependent phytoplankton growth and grazing in the northern South China Sea. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 599, 35-47.
3. Dong, Y., Li, Q., et al., 2016: Variability in sinking fluxes and composition of particle-bound phosphorus in the Xisha area of the northern South China Sea. Deep-Sea Res. I, 118, 1-9.
4. Li, Q., Dong, Y., Wang, Y., 2016: Phytoplankton dynamics driven by vertical nutrient fluxes during the spring inter-monsoon period in the northeastern South China Sea. Biogeosciences, 13, 455-466.
5. Dong, Y., Yang, G.P., Tang, K.W., 2013: Dietary effects on abundance and carbon utilization ability of DMSP-consuming bacteria associated with the copepod Acartia tonsa Dana. Mar. Biol. Res., 9, 809-814.