周生启,2009年入职中国科学院南海海洋研究所,任研究员。美国地球物理学会(AGU)、美国物理学会(APS)、美国和欧洲地球物理学联合会会员,国家科学技术奖和国家人才计划评审专家,2012-2018年担任国家自然科学基金委南海开放共享航次首席科学家。在Physical Review Letters、Geophysical Research Letters、Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans等主流学术期刊发表论文64篇,论文总被引3100余次。先后20余次受邀做国内国际会议报告。先后主持国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目、面上基金、广东省自然科学基金重点项目、香港政府资助局基金和中国科学院战略性先导专项子课题等项目共19项。授权国家专利8项。
1. Lu, Y. Z., X. R. Cen, S. X. Guo, L. Qu, P. Q. Huang, X. D. Shang, S. Q. Zhou, 2021: Spatial variability of diapycnal mixing in the South China Sea inferred from density overturn analysis, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 51(11), 3417-3434.
2. Qu, L., Y. Z. Lu, X. R. Cen, S. X. Guo, P. Q. Huang, L. S. Yu, S. Q. Zhou, et al., 2021: Temporal Variability in Bottom Water Structures of the Continental Slope in the Northern South China Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126, e2021JC017177.
3. Huang, P. Q., X. R. Cen, S. X. Guo, Y. Z. Lu, S. Q. Zhou, X. L. Qiu, J. Z. Zhang, et al., 2021: Variance of Bottom Water Temperature at the Continental Margin of the Northern South China Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126(2): e2020JC015843.
4. Guo, S. X., X. R. Cen, L. Qu, Y. Z. Lu, P. Q. Huang, S. Q. Zhou, 2021: Quantifying Flow Speeds by Using Microstructure Shear and Temperature Spectral Analysis. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 38(3), 645-656.
5. Huang, R. X., L. S. Yu, S. Q. Zhou, 2021: Quantifying climate signals: spicity, orthogonality and distance, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126, e2020JC016646.
6. Huang, P. Q., X. R. Cen, Y. Z. Lu, S. X. Guo, S. Q. Zhou, 2019: Global distribution of the oceanic bottom mixed layer thickness. Geophysical Research Letters, 46(3): 1547-1554.
7. Huang, P. Q., X. R. Cen, Y. Z. Lu, S. X. Guo, S. Q. Zhou, 2018: An integrated method for determining the oceanic bottom mixed layer thickness based on WOCE potential temperature profiles. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 35(11): 2289-2301.
8. Huang, R. X., L. S. Yu, S. Q. Zhou, 2018: New definition of potential spicity by the least square method. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123(10): 7351-7365.
9. Huang, P. Q., Y. Z. Lu, S. Q. Zhou, 2018: An objective method for determining ocean mixed layer depth with applications to WOCE data. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 35(3): 441-458.
10. Guo, S. X., X. R. Cen, S. Q. Zhou, 2018: New parametrization for heat transport through diffusive convection interface. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2018, 123(2): 1327-1338.
1. 郭双喜, 岑显荣, 鲁远征, 屈玲, 黄鹏起, 韩广辉, 周生启. 自容式海洋温度和湍流热耗散率测量方法及同步测量仪. 发明专利. ZL202110698357.1.
2. 鲁远征,郭双喜,岑显荣,韩广辉,周生启. 半抛弃式海洋坐底三脚架. 实用新型专利. ZL201822157153.3.
3. 岑显荣,郭双喜,鲁远征,韩广辉,周生启. 海洋底层水文观测三脚架. 实用新型专利. ZL201822158152.0.
4. 周生启,郭双喜,韩广辉,岑显荣,鲁远征. 一种海洋流速断面观测方法. 发明专利. ZL201810631985.6.
5. 周生启,郭双喜,韩广辉,岑显荣,鲁远征. 基于移动平台的海洋断面观测链. 实用新型专利. ZL201820944599.8.