

  • 方  向:海洋生物地球化学、海洋生态动力学、海洋物理和生物相互作用、海洋环境分析化学和传感器技术
  • 行政职务:
  • 学科专业:环境科学、海洋科学
  • 导  师:博士导师,硕士导师
  • 办公电话:020-84454476
  • 电子邮箱:qianli@scsio.ac.cn
  • 通讯地址:广州市海珠区新港西路164号2号办公楼1806B



中国科学院南海海洋研究所研究员、博导。在美国海洋大气局大西洋海洋气象研究所、迈阿密大学海洋大气学院、加州大学Scripps海洋研究所等单位留学工作10多年。2012年回国至今任中科院南海所研究员、中国科学院大学岗位教授、美国Scripps海洋所客座研究员。主要从事海洋生物地球化学、海洋生态动力学、海洋物理-生地化相互作用等交叉学科方向研究。迄今在Science、Science Advances, Biogeosciences、Limnology & Oceanography、JGR-Ocean、Progress in Oceanography等海洋科学主流SCI期刊上发表论文30余篇。论文总引900余次,他引800余次。目前担任《科学通报》编委以及Frontiers in Marine Science、Frontiers in Earth Science、Frontiers in Chemistry等杂志通讯编委。担任Nature Communication、Geophysical Research Letters、Limnology and Oceanography、JGR-Ocean等20多种国际期刊独立审稿人。主持国家自然科学基金和国家重点研发计划等课题8项。曾获得美国迈阿密大学杰出海洋科研奖、美国加州大学斯克里普斯海洋博士后杰出科研奖。目前开展南海环境多尺度水下滑翔机观测、全球变化影响下的南海碳循环模拟、南海分粒级浮游生态系统过程观测与理论解析、南海颗粒有机碳输出与矿化机制等方面研究。


2002-2007美国迈阿密大学(University of Miami, FL USA),海洋大气化学 (Marine & Atmospheric Chemistry),博士(Ph.D.)


2012-至今 中国科学院南海海洋研究所,研究员、博士生导师 2010-2012 美国加州大学Scripps海洋研究所(UCSD/SIO),副研究员
2003-2007 美国迈阿密大学Rosenstiel海洋和大气学院(UM/RSMAS)研究助理


1.      Martiny, A.C., Lomas, M.W., Fu, W., Boyd, P.W., Chen, Y.L., Cutter, G.A., Ellwood, M.J., Furuya, K., Hashihama, F., Kanda, J., Karl, D.M., Kodama, T., Li, Q.P., Ma, J., Moutin, T., Woodward, E.M.S., Moore, K.J., 2019 Biogeochemical controls of surface ocean phosphate, Science Advance, accepted

2.      Chen, Y., Wu, Z., Li, Q.P.*, 2018 Temporal change of export production at Xisha of the northern South China Sea, Journal of Geophysical Research, Ocean, 123, 9305-9319, doi:10.1029/2017JC013619

3.      Xu, J., Li, X., Shi, Z., Li, R., Li, Q.P., 2018 Bacterial carbon cycling in the river plume in the northern South China Sea during summer, Journal of Geophysical Research, Ocean, 123, 8106-8121, doi: 10.1029/2018JC014277

4.      Li, X., Xu, J., Shi, Z., Xu, D., Li, R., Li, Q.P., Liu, H.B., 2018 Regulation of protist grazing on bacterioplankton by hydrological conditions in coastal waters, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 218, 1-8.

5.      Dong, Y., Li, Q.P.*, Liu, Z., Wu, Z., Zhou, W., 2018 Size-dependent phytoplankton growth and grazing in the northern South China Sea, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 599, 35-47, https://doi.org/10.3354/meps12614.

6.      Li, Q.P.*, Zhou, W., Chen, Y., Wu, Z., 2018 Phytoplankton responses to a plume front in the northern South China Sea, Biogeosciences, 15, 2551-2563, doi.org/10.5194/bg-2017-495.

7.      Cózar, A.,  Morillo-García, S., Ortega, M., Li, Q.P., Bartual, A., 2018 Macroecological patterns of the phytoplankton production of polyunsaturated aldehydes, Scientific Reports, 8:12282, doi:10.1038/s41598-018-29787-8.

8.      Yu, X., Xu, J., Long, A., Li, R., Shi, Z., Li, Q.P., 2018 Carbon-to-chlorophyll ratio and carbon content of phytoplankton community in coastal waters adjacent to the Pearl River Estuary during summer, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, accepted.

9.      Li, X., Xu, J., Shi, Z., Li, Q.P., Li R., 2018 Variability in empirical leucine-to-carbon conversion factors along an environmental gradient, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 37(4), 77-82.

10.   Li, Q.P.*, Franks, P.J.S., Landry, M.R., 2017 Recovering growth and grazing rates from nonlinear dilution experiments, Limnology and Oceanography, 62(5), 1825-1835, doi:10.1002/lno.10536.

11.   He, Q., Zhan, H., Shuai, Y., Cai, S., Li, Q.P., Huang, G., Li J., 2017 Phytoplankton bloom triggered in an anticyclonic eddy: the combined effect of eddy-Ekman pumping and winter deepening of mixing, Journal of Geophysical Research, Ocean, 122(6), 4886-4901, doi: 10.1002/2017JC012763.

12.   Wu, Z., Li, Q.P.*, 2016 Spatial distributions of polyunsaturated aldehydes and their biogeochemical implications in the Pearl River Estuary and the adjacent northern South China Sea, Progress in Oceanography, 147, 1-9, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2016.07.010.

13.   Dong, Y., Li, Q.P.*, Wu, Z., Zhang, J., 2016 Variability in sinking fluxes and composition of particle-bound phosphorus in the Xisha area of the northern South China Sea, Deep Sea Research, Part I, 118, 1-9, doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2016.10.007.

14.   Li, Q.P.*, Hansell, D.A., 2016 Mechanisms controlling vertical variability of subsurface chlorophyll maximum in a mode-water eddy, Journal of Marine Research, 74, 175-199.

15.   Li, Q.P.*, Dong, Y., Wang, Y., 2016 Phytoplankton dynamics driven by vertical nutrient fluxes during the spring inter-monsoon period in the northeastern South China Sea. Biogeosciences, 13, 455-466, 2016, doi:10.5194/bg-13-455-2016.

16.   Li, Q.P.*, Wang, Y., Dong, Y., Gan, J., 2015 Modeling of long-term variability of planktonic ecosystems in the northern South China Sea and the upstream Kuroshio, Journal of Geophysical Research, Ocean, 120(6), 3913-3936, doi:10.1002/2014JC010609.

17.   王艳君,董园,陈寅超,周卫文,李芊*. 固氮作用对黑潮上游区域生态系统影响的模拟研究. 热带海洋学报, 2016, 35(1), 102-111. Wang, Y., Dong, Y., Zhou, W., Chen, Y., Li, Q.P.*, 2015 Modeling the impact of N2-fixation on the ecosystem dynamics in the upstream Kuroshio, Trop Oceanogr, 35(1): 102-111.

18.   程远月,王帅龙,胡水波,周沉冤,施震,李芊,黄小平.海草生态系中DOM的三维荧光光谱特征[J]. 光谱 学与光谱分析, 2015,35(01):141-145. Chen, Y., Wang, S., Hu, S., Zhou, C., Shi, Z., Li, Q.P., Huang, X., 2015 Fluorescence characteristics of dissolved organic matter in the seagrass ecosystem from Hainan by fluorescence excitation-emission matrix spectroscopy. Spectroscopy & Spectral Analysis, 35(1), 141-145.

19.   Li, Q.P.*, Franks, P.J.S., Ohman, M.D., Landry, M.R., 2012 Enhanced nitrate fluxes and biological processes at a frontal zone in the Southern California Current System. Journal of Plankton Research, 34(9): 790-801.

20.   Sun, C., Wang, Y., Li, Q.P., Wang, Y., Sun, F., Peng, Y., 2012 Distributional characteristics of transport exopolymer particles in the Pearl River estuary, China. Journal of Geophysical Research, Biogeosciences, 117, G00N17, doi:10.1029/2012jg001951

21.   Sun, F., Wang, Y., Wu, M., Wang, Y., Li, Q.P., 2012 Spatial and vertical distributions of bacteria in the Pearl River estuary sediment, African Journal of Biotechnology, 2012, 11(9), 2256-2266.

22.   Sun, F., Wang, Y., Wu, M., Wang, Y., Li, Q.P., 2011 Spatial heterogeneity of bacterial biodiversity in the sediments of the Pearl River Estuary, Biologia, 2011, 66(4), 574-584.

23.   Song, H., Wang, Y., Sun, C., Wu, M., Peng,Y., Deng,C., Li, Q.P., 2011 Effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons exposure on antioxidant system activities and proline content in Kandelia candel, Oceanol Hydrobiol Studies, 2011, 40(3), 9-18.

24.   Li, Q.P.*, Franks, P.J.S., Landry, M.R., 2011 Microzooplankton grazing dynamics: parameterizing grazing models with dilution experiment data in the Southern California Ecosystem. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 438, 59-69.

25.   Li, Q.P.*, Franks, P.J.S., Landry, M.R., Goericke, R., Taylor, A.G., 2010 Modeling phytoplankton growth rates and Chlorophyll to Carbon ratios in California coastal and pelagic ecosystems. Journal of Geophysical Research, Biogeosciences, 115, G04003, doi:10.1029/2009jg001111.

26.   Li, Q.P.*, Hansell, D.A., Zhang, J.Z., 2008 Underway monitoring of nanomolar nitrate plus nitrite and phosphate in oligotrophic seawater. Limnology and Oceanography, Methods, 6, 319-326.

27.   Li, Q.P.*, Hansell, D.A., McGillicuddy, D.J., Bates, N.R., Johnson, R., 2008 Tracer based assessment of the origin and biogeochemical transformation of a cyclonic eddy in the Sargasso  Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research, Ocean, 113, C10006, doi:10.1029/2008jc004840.

28.   Li, Q.P.*, Hansell, D.A., 2008 Intercomparison and coupling of magnesium induced coprecipitation and long-path liquid waveguide capillary cell techniques for trace analysis of phosphate in seawater. Analytica Chimica Acta, 611, 68-72.

29.   McGillicuddy, D.J., Anderson, L., Bates, N., Bibby T., Buesseler, K., Carlson, C., Davis, C., Ewart, C., Falkowski, P., Goldthwaite, S., Hansell, D., Jenkins, W., Johnson, R., Kosnyrew, V., Ledwell, J., Li, Q.P., Siegel, D., Steinberg, D., 2007 Eddy-wind interactions stimulate extraordinary mid-ocean plankton blooms. Science, 316, 1021-1026.

30.   Li, Q.P.*, Hansell, D.A., 2008 Nutrient distributions in baroclinic eddies of the oligotrophic North  Atlantic and inferred impacts on biology. Deep Sea Research, Part II, 55, 1291-1299.

31.   Li, Q.P.*, Zhang, J.Z., Millero, F.J., Hansell, D.A., 2005 Continuous colorimetric determination of trace ammonium in seawater with a long-path liquid waveguide capillary cell, Marine Chemistry, 96, 73-85.

32.   Li, W., Li, Q., Liao, Q., Chen, Q., 2003 Effect of temperature on fatty acid compositions of four species of marine microalgaes, Marine Science Bulletin, 5(1), 40-44.

33.   廖启斌,李芊,李文权,陈清花.光辐射对海洋微藻脂肪酸含量的效应[J].海洋技术, 2002, 21(1), 46-48. Liao, Q., Li, Q., Li, W., Chen, Q., Wang, X., 2002 Effect of irradiance on fatty acid compositions of marine microalgaes, Ocean Technology, 21, 46-48.

34.   李文权,廖启斌,李芊,陈清花.三种海洋微藻生长期脂肪酸组成研究[J].海洋环境科学, 2002, 21(2), 10-13. Li, W., Liao, Q., Li, Q., Chen, Q., 2002 On the fatty acid compositions of three species of marine microalgaes during growth phases, Mar Environ Sci, 21, 10-13.




