序号 |
来访人员 |
工作单位 |
来访内容 |
来访时间 |
1 |
武亮 副研究员 |
中国科学院大气物理研究所 |
Contributions of Tropical Waves to Tropical Cyclone Genesis over the Western North Pacific |
2017.1.6 |
2 |
周文教授 |
香港城市大学 |
Ural blocking, East Asian trough and variability of East Asian winter climate |
2017.1.6 |
3 |
Prof. Louis Legendre |
Pierre and Marie Curie Paris 06 University & Laval University |
The ocean's biological carbon pump: unexpected effect of transparent exopolymer particles |
2017.1.18 |
4 |
郑佳喻 博士 |
国家海洋局第二海洋研究所 |
A dipole pattern in the Indian and Pacific Oceans and its relationship with the East Asian summer monsoon |
2017.2.17 |
5 |
Prof. Tam Chi Yung |
Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Sensitivity of precipitation statistics to urban growth and anthropogenic heat in the pearl river delta Megacity Cluster |
2017.3.02 |
6 |
肖子牛 研究员 |
中国科学院大气物理研究所 |
太阳活动对热带太平洋年代际变化的调制作用 |
2017.3.06 |
7 |
Mr.Stephen Cousins |
Advanced Computing Group – University of Maine System,Orono, Maine USA |
Overview of High Performance Computing at the University of Maine System |
2017.3.10 |
8 |
王辉 |
曙光公司 |
南海所曙光高性能计算集群用户培训 |
2017.3.10 |
9 |
吴仁广 研究员 |
中国科学院大气物理研究所 |
Changes in the ISO intensity over the western North Pacific and their effects on seasonal mean SST |
2017.3.22 |
10 |
付垚 博士生 |
德国基尔亥姆霍兹海洋研究所GEOMAR |
Meridional overturning circulation at 14.5°N in the Atlantic |
2017.3.27 |
11 |
Prof. Ruixin Huang |
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, USA |
青年科学家是如何创新的? |
2017.3.13- 5.5 |
12 |
1.Potential spicity, distance between water parcels, radius of signal, radius of state 2.Isopycnal Analysis
3.主办“大洋风生环流和气候变化”讲习班 主讲课程: 1) Introduction to wind-driven circulation 2) Energetics of wind-driven circulation 3) Scaling of the basic equations 4) Reduced gravity model 5) Physics of circulation 6) PV homogenization ventilated thermocline 7) Inertial western boundary currents 8) Continuous model 9) Subpolar& recirculation 10)Equatorial thermocline and interior communication 11)Geostrophic adjustment & Waves 12)Mixed layer and subduction/obduction 13)Wind setup in coastal oceans - side boundary 14)Adiabatic movement induced by wind 15)Wind-driven circulation in a changing climate |
2017.10.13- 12.5 | ||
13 |
Prof. Zhengyu Liu |
University of Wisconsin–Madison |
AMOC Variability and.Abrupt Changes:Past,Present and Future |
2017.4.6 |
14 |
Prof. Colm-cille Caulfield |
University of Cambridge |
Making a LIST and checking it twice: Length scales of Instabilities & Stratified Turbulence |
2017.4.10 |
15 |
Prof. Bo Qiu |
University of Hawaii |
海外评审专家来访并参会作报告:Submesoscales: Opportunities and Challenges |
2017.4.20-22 |
16 |
1)Mesoscale eddies 2)Sub-mesoscale eddies |
2017.11.21- 23 | ||
17 |
梁湘三 教授 |
南京信息工程大学 |
Spatiotemporal evolution of the ENSO predictability |
2017.11.17- 22 |
18 |
甘剑平 教授 |
香港科技大学 |
海外评审专家来访并参会作报告: Dynamic interpretation of ocean circulation in the China Seas |
2017.4.20-22 |
19 |
Formation and dynamics of a long-lived eddy train in the South China Sea |
2017.11.16- 20 | ||
20 |
Dr. Rui Ni |
The Pennsylvania State University |
Lagrangian stretching in understanding turbulent multiphase flow |
2017.5.25 |
21 |
Dr. Adam Thomas Devlin |
Institute of Space and Earth Information Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Anomalous Tidal Patterns in the Hong Kong Coastal Regime |
2017.6.13 |
22 |
Prof.Peter J Minnett |
Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science University of Miami |
The role of the oceanic thermal skin layer in the climate system |
2017.6.14 |
23 |
Dr. Yang Liu |
University of Miami |
Sampling Errors in Satellite Infrared Sea-surface Temperatures |
2017.6.14 |
24 |
Dr. Banglin Zhang |
Environmental Modeling Center, National Weather Service, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC |
Hurricane and typhoon forecast experiments with a 121-level HWRF |
2017.6.15 |
25 |
Enhui Liao (博士生) |
University of Delaware |
The separation of the China Coastal Current over the Taiwan Bank in winter |
2017.6.16 |
26 |
Prof. Hans Von Storch |
Institute of Coastal Research Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht Germany |
On the added value generated by dynamical models |
2017.6.16 |
27 |
Dr. Fengchao Yao |
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology |
Red Sea Deep Circulations |
2017.6.29 |
28 |
Prof. Eric D. Maloney |
Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University |
Insights on Madden-Julian oscillation dynamics from modeling and observations |
2017.8.15 |
29 |
侯一筠 研究员 |
中国科学院海洋研究所 |
波动方程专题讲座 |
2017.8.24 |
30 |
Prof. Wenhong Li |
Duke University, USA |
Summer Rainfall Variability over the Southeastern United States |
2017.9.5. |
31 |
Dr. Madalagama Karawitage Abeyratne |
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka |
A Role of Geomathematics and Certain Applications of Wavelet Based Multiscale Methods in Geo-Science Research |
2017.9.8 |
32 |
任宏利 研究员 |
中国气象局国家气候中心 |
Quantification of persistence/predictability barriers in ENSO and its applications |
2017.9.8. |
33 |
包庆 研究员 |
中国科学院大气物理 研究所 |
Tropical Variabilities in high-resolution Climate System Model FGOALS-f |
2017.9.8 |
34 |
周磊 研究员 |
上海交通大学 |
中印度洋模态和印度洋海气相互作用 |
2017.9.21-22 |
35 |
钟贻森 博士 |
上海交通大学 |
南海反气旋涡内亚中尺度过程的观测与模拟 |
2017.9.21-22 |
36 |
Prof. Ming Feng |
CSIRO, Australia |
来实验室学术访问 |
2017.5.9-12 |
37 |
1)Upper ocean heat balances on different time scales – some case studies 2)Indonesian throughflow, its variability and centennial change |
2017.11.18- 23 | ||
38 |
Prof. Jia Wang |
NOAA - Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory |
Modeling Great Lakes circulation and ecosystem using an unstructured-grid model |
2017.10.12 |
39 |
李培良教授 |
中国海洋大学 |
中尺度涡对模态水耗散影响调查设计、 实施 |
2017.10.13 |
40 |
余景 副研究员 |
南海水产研究所 |
西沙-中沙海域鸢乌贼资源与环境关系的遥感研究 |
2017.10.19 |
41 |
付怀洲 工程师 |
浅海科技 |
海洋环境监测设备(水文、生化、极地)介绍 |
2017.10.19 |
42 |
夏晓敏 博士 |
国家海洋局第三海洋 研究所 |
聚球藻的遗传和色素多样性及其在西太平洋的分布(盐度梯度,纬度梯度,深度梯度) |
2017.10.20 |
43 |
孙亮教授 |
中国科技大学 |
卫星观测到的海洋中尺度涡数据产品及合并分裂现象 |
2017.11.22- 25 |
44 |
王云涛 研究员 |
国家海洋局第二海洋研究所 |
Frontal variability and mesoscale processes in the coastal ocean |
2017.11.19- 21 |
45 |
杨小怡 副教授 |
厦门大学 |
北极海冰急剧变化对北半球中纬度气候的影响 |
2017.11.19- 23 |
46 |
Prof. Jinyu Sheng |
Dalhousie University, Canada |
海外访问学者基金项目来访并作报告 |
2017.10.31- 12.1 |
47 |
Prof. William K. M. Lau |
University of Maryland |
An Aerosol-Monsoon-Ocean-Atmosphere System: A New Paradigm |
2017.11.7 |
48 |
Prof. Terry Joyce |
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, USA |
1)Decadal variability of the Gulf Stream, and changes in the transport of the Deep Western Boundary Current south of Cape Cod, Massachusetts 2)Relationship of synoptic atmospheric variability at mid-latitudes to decadal changes air-sea heat fluxes, mode water production, and Gulf Stream path |
2017.11.19- 22 |
49 |
Prof. Shangping Xie |
印太暖池区海洋大气相互作用及其气候影响 |
2017.11.17- 21 |
50 |
Prof. Jinyi Yu |
University of California, USA |
A new view on the onset dynamics of ENSO |
2017.11.19- 21 |
51 |
林霄沛教授 |
中国海洋大学 |
参加会议作报告 |
2017.11.18- 20 |
52 |
王桂华教授 |
复旦大学 |
吕宋海峡输运的动力学探讨 |
2017.11.23- 24 |
53 |
陈显尧 教授 |
中国海洋大学 |
Perspective on EOF analysis of Global SST |
2017.11.20- 24 |
54 |
谢玲玲 教授 |
广东海洋大学 |
Rossby waves from the Pacific to the South China Sea |
2017.11.20- 23 |
55 |
Prof. Quanan Zheng |
University of Maryland |
Dynamic analysis methods for satellite SAR ocean imagery |
2017.11.21- 23 |
56 |
Dr. Antoine Collin |
巴黎文理研究大学 |
Coastal Sea/Landscape Ecology using Remote Sensing |
2017.12.1 |
57 |
史大林 教授 |
厦门大学 |
· Coupled effects of ocean acidification and nutrient availability on marine phytoplankton |
2017.12.11 |
58 |
李骁麟 副教授 |
厦门大学 |
氨基酸对珠江口溶解有机物来源、 生产和转化的指示作用 |
2017.12.11 |
59 |
韦丹丹 工程师 |
并行科技股份有限公司 |
· 基于天河2号超算平台的全球海洋业务系统流程设计 |
2017.12.20 |
60 |
李志锦 研究员 |
美国宇航局喷气推进实验室(NASA/JPL) |
多尺度三维变分同化方法及其在海洋观测系统构建和区域海洋预报中的应用 |
2017.12.29 |