The summer-fall anticyclonic eddy west of Luzon: Structure and evolution in 2012 and interannual variability |
Journal of Marine Systems |
172: 84-92 |
Scenarios of nutrient alterations and responses of phytoplankton in a changing Daya Bay, South China Sea |
Journal of Marine Systems |
165: 1-12 |
Heat budget of western Pacific warm pool and the contribution of eddy heat transport diagnosed from HYCOM assimilations |
Journal of Oceanography |
73(2): 193-203 |
SCI Z1501 |
An expendable microstructure profiler for deep ocean measurements |
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology |
34 (1):153-165 |
Estimating Range-Dependent Evaporation Duct Height |
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology |
34(5):1113-1123 |
Modeling spring-summer phytoplankton bloom in Lake Michigan with and without riverine nutrient loading |
Ocean Dynamics |
67(11): 1481-1494 |
Observations of the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate |
Ocean Dynamics |
67(5): 597-609 |
Spatial distribution of turbulent mixing in the upper ocean of the South China Sea |
Ocean Science |
13(3): 503-519 |